Academic Library Advancement and Development Network
An inclusive library fundraising community of peers, the group is designed to offer networking and mutual problem-solving for professionals involved in advancement and development for academic and research libraries through annual conference, electronic listserv participation (LIBDEV sponsored by ALADN), and personal contacts.
Some 65 representatives from academic and research libraries from the United States and Canada attended the “More than Books: Building a Network of Academic and Research Library Development Officers” Conference hosted by the University of New Mexico Libraries held March 15-17, 1995. Organized by the University of New Mexico, the University of Pennsylvania and Yale University, this meeting was designed to explore issues of interest to professionals in the area of library development. By overwhelming consensus, the group decided to form a continental network, the Academic Library Advancement and Development Network. Known as ALADN, the group is designed to offer networking and mutual problem-solving for professionals involved in advancement and development for academic and research libraries through annual conference, electronic listserv participation (LIBDEV sponsored by ALADN), and personal contacts. Communications and conference announcements are publicized electronically via the ALADN web site and the LIBDEV listserv.
How to Join ALADN
ALADN is an inclusive library fundraising community of peers. Formal membership is not required. Membership in this organization is open to professionals involved in development and advancement (e.g., development officers, special collections librarians, library administrators) for academic and research libraries in North America, and largely consists of participating in the listserv and attending the annual conference. The ALADN structure is semi-informal, with three standing committees.
How to Join LIBDEV (Electronic Discussion List)
Membership in the electronic discussion list is open to professionals involved in development and advancement (e.g., development officers, special collections librarians, library administrators) for academic and research libraries in North America. To join the discussion list click on the link above, enter your full name and university affiliated email address.
Magic Lamp graphic by parkjisun from the Noun Project.